If I had a superpower I would have a power that can slow time down. Say if i'm late to a birthday party or school I can slow time down and I will be on time and get my work finished. My super power is about slowing time down you can do anything.
It would feel awesome and freaky imagine a black and white force field that makes everything black and white it also goes around the world and slows time when it hits a person or anything they move slow. It feels a bit like you're the only one there and what ever you touch it comes to fast motion and you can do anything.
rubric marked by Angelo
I would use my powers to save the treasury from being robbed by slowing time down and catch the bad guys,and save the day and also give the money back to the bank and I would be famous on the local news paper. If there is a thief on police ten 7 I would catch them and turn them in to the police station. If the paper man is sick i would slow time down and deliver the newspapers all over the world.
I think having superpowers could be cool because,if you're late to anything you can slow down time and be on time. it’s also good to help people in danger i will be there. If you had my super power it would be cool cause you can do lots of things like if your mum is annoying you slow time down,if you’re late to school you can also slow time down.
the task asked us to write an affective paragraph with punctuation and juicy words. today we learnt how to write our own super powers.
I think having super powers is so cool and I like your punctuation in your super power writing it is really cool having slow motion and I like your juicy words and how you used it in your writing